Breaking news and resources from across the industry.

  • Dwell Development and the First Home to Receive the Built Green Net Zero Energy Label

    Posted on Mar 7, 2018 in:
    • Case Studies
    • Built Green
    Known for their market-leading sustainability, Dwell Development recently completed the first home to receive Built Green's new Net Zero Energy Label. This single-family home sits adjacent to Genesee Park and features Dwell's typical recipe of reclaimed materials and high-performance envelope, and introduces some new additions to the mix.
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  • Washington State Governor Jay Inslee Tours Built Green zHome Neighborhood

    Posted on Feb 21, 2018 in:
    • Built Green
    When Washington Governor Jay Inslee made plans recently to visit Issaquah, he specifically asked about seeing the zHome neighborhood while he was in town, the first net zero energy townhome development in the United States.
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  • Barrientos RYAN and Exxel Pacific Present The Parsonage Project

    Posted on Feb 7, 2018 in:
    • Case Studies
    • Built Green
    Maintaining historical structures adds cultural value to a city modern buildings alone cannot provide. The preservation of historic structures also significantly reduces the use of natural resources typically used in new construction. Seattle-based developer barrientos RYAN recognizes the importance of preservation and applied it to their new mid-rise project in Seattle's University District, The Parsonage.
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