Breaking news and resources from across the industry.

  • 2019 Built Green Award Winners

    Posted on Oct 16, 2019 in:
    • Member Stories
    • Events
    • Built Green News
    We are exceedingly proud of all these award recipients for breaking new ground in making affordable, very green buildings, mostly in urban, walkable, bikeable neighborhoods. This is the way forward!
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  • C4Digs Construction: Single-Family Craftsman

    Posted on Sep 30, 2019 in:
    • Case Studies
    By saving the magnificent evergreen tree in the front yard and designing the house like the neighboring 100+-year-old Craftsman houses, rather than the prevailing modern style, the house fits perfectly into the neighborhood.
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  • Lopez Community Land Trust: Salish Way Cottages

    Posted on Aug 2, 2019 in:
    • Case Studies
    Lopez Community Land Trust has been a leader in creating affordable net zero housing since 2009, when their award-winning Common Ground community was built. This project added three cottages next door to Common Ground and hit a soaring 871 points with 5-Star Net Zero certification.
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